Friday, October 15, 2004

project accomplished

hmm sebenarnya ada apa sih...
sudah lama saya nggak nongol nongol walaupun sekedar 'nginguk' to take a peep on my blogs.'s been such a hectic week.
as soon as I got home from Kuala Lumpur...I got a tight schedule of preparing my research project. I got to finish making the report as of Oct.9. a matter of fact, I did it.

didn't have enough sleep.

didn't have enough time to eat.

let alone.....watching movies as I always did before this chaotic week came along.

but...hey....look at the bright side.
I found lots of things to see.
and it turned out that I managed to finish all of my projects in time for the screening session.
now I just got to pull myself as to make me have extra energy to keep the good work.:) :D

good, you said, eh?

actually I should've jotted this thought down a few days ago...
no harm done..

I am good as I could be..:)

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