Thursday, May 27, 2004


I finished teaching this semester. The whole new world is open up right before my I finished teaching!!. I started to fell that I am exposed to the unlimited wonders of the world:-P least that's what I feel when you've been doing nothing but...teaching..teaching..and teaching..for the last 6 months. of doesn't mean that I hate teaching..NO. that's not IT.
It was just that I spent most of my time teaching others; while consciously I was just sacrificing my being 'suray'

Starting from this moment..on..never will ever dampen my spirit that is starting to keep soaring high and high...

I just wanna spend the rest of this semester...pondering about my being 'suray'
well, anyone might have some difficulties in understanding what being 'suray' means..
still..I am pretty much sure that out there...some will easily understand and hooked by what being 'suray' means....

I am just what I am...I am just suray who's been in this situation...
I am happy...

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