Tuesday, April 24, 2007

sneaked out of the class

I got to do these errands yesterday. First, I got to pay my credit card bill since I just used a sum of it. I guess I don't need to pay for extra charge should I pay it in advance. So, I had only 30 minutes to do that. I ran into the bank and got myself stuck in an elevator for 3 minutes just to get to the 4th floor:) well, it made this creaking sound that creeped me out. luckily I did get out of it just to find an empty office where someone in the customer service should be.

I met some guy in his 30's. such a snobbish officer in such a bank. I hated him.
But...eventually...I made him do what I asked him to. I paid for it and also peppered with lots of questions.

I also got a brochure on a free offer of having a portable DVD player with Batman picture on it. isn't that great?

then, I got to go to the telephone company to pay my home phone bill.
did it.

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